Locating Your Policy Number
Policy number can be found in the welcome email or your welcome letter/statement. See below for help locating.
Welcome Email
Welcome Letter/Statement

Please note the following regarding your paperless enrollment:
By enrolling, you confirm that you have read and understood the Important Note Regarding Consent below.
Important Note Regarding Consent to Enroll in Paperless Online Servicing: Please note that by enrolling in paperless delivery, you agree that the majority of your documents will be sent electronically, including but not limited to: policy documents, endorsements, and billing statements. However, certain documents such as notices of cancellation and nonrenewal may continue to be mailed to the address that we have on file.
Once enrolled, you retain the right to receive a paper copy at any time and at no cost to you.
If you view your documents electronically and would still like to have a copy mailed to you, please call our customer care department.
You may withdraw your consent to receive electronic documents at any time and at no cost by indicating your preference at our website or by speaking with a Customer Service Representative.
It is your responsibility to provide us with accurate information related to e-mail address, contact, and other information related to this disclosure and your insurance policies. The policyholder electing to allow for notices and communications to be sent to the electronic mail address provided by the policyholder should be aware that the insurer rightfully considers this election to be consent by the policyholder that all notices may be sent electronically, including notice of nonrenewal and notice of cancellation. Therefore the policyholder should be diligent in updating the electronic mail address provided to the insurer in the event that the address should change.
If at any time you need to update your records, please access online servicing or call our customer care department.
When you view your policy on-line and select the link for your documents, you are giving your consent to receive your policy documents, declarations page and important notices and disclosures electronically. This means that you are able to save and print your documents immediately.
Your documents are best viewed electronically with Microsoft Explorer and Mozilla Firefox. You should also have Adobe Acrobat Reader 6.0 or higher to view documents.